Colorado Springs Caravan – D4C 2017

The Colorado caravan is made possible by The BMW CCA – Rocky Mountain Chapter.

With only weeks until the start of Drive 4 Corners, the official schedule and route map for the Colorado caravan has been put together and is ready for distribution! This year there will be both a Colorado Springs and a Denver caravan. These two will meet in Salida, CO.

All caravans will combine in the parking lot of the Durango Rec Center at approximately 5:00pm MST. This will give an opportunity for a short 30 minute group drive up to Purgatory Resort for the start of Drive 4 Corners 2017. Please review the caravan information– we encourage all of those who can join for the caravan to do so!

See below for route and schedule information for the group drive.


Click Here for Link to full route .pdf

Primary Meeting Point: 9:15am @ Walmart Supercenter (4425 Venetucci Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906) We will gather up waivers and familiarize everybody with the route. Ask questions and be ready to hit the road by 9:45am!

DEPART: 9:45am and travel south along 115 towards Canon City.
Salida, CO  Stop: ~12:00pm in Salida, CO, meet up at the Walmart Supercenter on the west end of town (7865 US-50). Lunch will be on your own, we recommend bringing your lunch or getting fast food if you plan to travel with the caravan. Refuel if necessary and meet back for departure at the Walmart Supercenter lot (7865 US-50). Depart this stop by 1:15pm.
Group Meetup: ~4:45pm stop at Durango Rec Center (2424 Main Ave. Durango, CO 81301), by the Exxon gasoline center.
Depart Durango Rec Center around 5:30pm for a 30 minute jaunt up US-550 to Purgatory Resort for a 6:00pm arrival.

Email for additional information if you have caravan questions or concerns.

*Notice: To be part of the caravan, all participants must sign the release waiver for liability reasons before we depart.

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