Dates have been selected and Drive 4 Corners 2019 is now open for registration! The 9th annual driving and social event, Drive 4 Corners, will take place along a Rocky Mountain driving tour. The unique new format of the event will provide a unique new feel to the driving portion of the event. Instead of participants caravanning to a singular location, the group will tour a ~500 mile route of the Rockies over the course of a few days. The official event will take place starting in Grand Junction, CO on Thursday, August 15, 2019.

Of course not all participants may want to join for the entire route, which is perfectly acceptable. The driving tour format is meant to allow participants to group up with other drivers in an informal fashion for groups of ~10 cars, or to allow participants to explore the route at their own pace. Some people may want to make stops at sites along the route, hike a trail, or drive straight through and continue on an extended loop. All of these are acceptable, though it is the burden of each participant to make their own plan. With that in mind, the route is an excellent driving route and features a variety of road types.
Event participants will be expected to reserve their lodging on their own, but we will identify the suggested host hotels on our Event Schedule page. Participants can choose to stay wherever they prefer as a singular group hotel may not be possible based on the sizes of towns along the route. The outline provided on the Event Schedule page indicates the activities that are planned, such as group photos, evening meals and rough departure times. Join in for all of it, or simply a small portion of the route! Route details will be updated on the Event Schedule page.
Attendee list for 2019 is available here. We can’t wait to see you there!
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